UK HFCA comments on UK Government new Climate Targets

Welcoming the announcement by the Prime Minister Boris Johnson confirming that the UK is setting an emissions reduction target of 78% by 2035, UK HFCA’s CEO, Celia Greaves said:

“With the Government set to introduce legislation to speed up the UK’s carbon emissions target, such ambition poses a number of challenges, including how we decarbonise heavy transport, power a number of energy-intensive sectors across the economy and heat our homes. Hydrogen and fuel cell technology can provide a solution to both, through the heating of homes through the existing gas network and decarbonising heavy industry, HGVs, buses, trains, aviation and shipping. As such, hydrogen is a key component of our transition to net zero. Our member companies are working to create the technology to ensure that green and blue hydrogen can deliver hard environmental and economic benefits and lead the decarbonisation of these ‘hard-to-abate’ sectors.

If the UK Government is to achieve the economic and social benefits that hydrogen can bring, it needs to ensure that it creates the right environment for the industry to thrive. That means using the upcoming Hydrogen Strategy to put in place the long-term policy framework that can best support the deployment of both blue hydrogen – a low carbon source, where the emissions generated from the process are captured and stored underground via industrial carbon capture and storage – and green hydrogen, which is produced from renewable sources. It also means Government backing fuels cells, which convert hydrogen into heat and power for transport and other applications. If the Government can do this, not only will the UK be set on a course for achieving Net Zero and the new 2035 78% target, but the UK has the potential to be a world leader in developing these solutions and then exporting them in what Bank of America states will be $11 trillion global market by 2050.”

About the UK HFCA: The UK HFCA is the oldest and largest pan UK association, dedicated to supporting stakeholders across the entire value chain of both the Hydrogen sector and the Fuel Cell industry. Our members represent over 200,000 employees globally, with combined revenues over £400 billion, and cover the entire value chain from raw material sourcing, to supply chain and components, financing, professional services, B2B and consumer facing solutions. With over 15 years of experience, the UK HFCA is a leader in advocating for and accelerating the transition to Net Zero in the UK through the deployment of hydrogen & fuel cell solutions.

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